Rent our table centerpiece LED pin-spots and really provide focus on your floral table centerpieces. Pin-spotting can provide illumination to on of the most expensive décor items you have in your room, your floral arrangements.

We utilize both wired and wireless pin-spotting fixtures to illuminate your table centerpieces.  Our wireless batter operated unit can match any wired fixture, lumen for lumen. Many clients are so surprised with the light intensity provided by our LED wireless pinspot.

We can affix these LED or traditional pinspot lights to your venues ceiling or we can provide our “Touchless” system that provides all hardware needed to properly hold this equipment without touching a venue wall or ceiling.

The price of this unit is for the light fixture itself. Installation and the use of our “Touchless” system is separate and will be configured once we identify what we are attaching to and what the installation parameters are.

This item is very properly rented for wedding ceremonies, product launches, corporate events, and tradeshows.

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SKU: LI-PINSPOT Categories: ,


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